Initial installation


To bootstrap the project

  • Create a clean base environment using virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper outside the project directory:

    mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 <venv-name>
  • Install required packages from file requirements.pip:

    pip install -r requirements.pip
  • Configure the environment by creating and editing the setting file or

    cp predictDemo/settings/ predictDemo/settings/
  • Applying database schema:

    python migrate [--settings=predictDemo.settings.local]
  • Create a super user with admin privileges:

    python createsuperuser [--settings=predictDemo.settings.local]
  • Synchronize role permissions with specific settings to admin interface:

    python sync_roles [--settings=predictDemo.settings.local]
  • Run server:

    python runserver [--settings=predictDemo.settings.local]

To connect the MOSAIC TTP Server

  • Go to Django Admin > Authentication and Authorization > Groups and amend the fields TTP StudyId and TTP TargetIDType to the groups dept_haematology and trial_cml. Both values for each group have to be configured in the dispatcher module of the MOSAIC TTP server.

This can be done:

  1. … by modifying the pre-configured XML entry located in the database ttp_dispatcher, table configuration, column configKey of the dataset dispatcher.config.1. For each group, a new study with name <TTP StudyId> must be added and associated with the corresponding consent, represented as domain in the gICS module of the MOSAIC TTP server, and the organizational entity (identity), represented as domain in the EPIX module of the MOSAIC TTP server.

  2. … by adding an entry (alias) for each group in the database ttp_dispatcher, table alias with values <TTP TargetIDType> as alias, system.<TTP TargetIDType> as value and "PSN" as aliasContext. The alias <TTP TargetIDType> corresponds to the domain in the gPAS module of the MOSAIC TTP server. The domain in gPAS has to be named system.<TTP TargetIDType>.