For demonstration purposes of how a potential integration with a CIS/EHR might look like, a REST API as a prototype is implemented to query all model predictions for a patient within a treatment context using the local CIS/EHR identifier. As result, the CIS/EHR receives a list of model predictions with metadata, including a link to a view of model results that can be accessed through or embedded in the system.

The API can be tested from command-line, using tools like curl:

curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"group":"dept_haematology","domain":"mdat","localName":"pat_id","localIdentifier":"111"}'

or directly through the browser, by going to the URL


Add the following content to the body of the POST request:


domain, localName and localIdentifier are configured in the EPIX module of the MOSAIC TTP server, where localIdentifier is the CIS/EHR identifier for the patient within the domain.

For testing purposes, the following local identifiers are defined for the patients implemented in the test instance of the MOSAIC TTP server:

111 --> Max Mustermann
222 --> Erika Mustermann
333 --> Kari Nordmann
444 --> Lieschen Müller
555 --> Otto Normalo

The response of the POST request is a list of all finished model predictions of the requested patient within the specified treatment context. For each prediction, meta data and an url to a view with model results is available. The view (e.g., can be provided as a link in the CIS/EHR, for example.
